YFM Strategy 2021-22

Earlier in the year, the YFM Board, NLT and Chapter Coordinators met up in-person and online to talk about its future, including a reset of the organisation’s strategy and sharing food across many smaller tables given we couldn’t all meet across a single table.

The top food issues that were picked by the YFM team for 2021-22 are:

1. Climate Change is Impacting on the Food System

2. Urban Folk and Rural Food Producers are Disconnected

3. Knowing How to Cook is now a Rare Skill

YFM Virtual Retreat.jpg

YFM 2021 retreat

Given the travel restrictions due to COVID-19, YFM held its strategy session virtually, with each chapter having the option to meet in person

The Board, NLT and Chapters each had input into the organisation’s guiding vision and mission statements that will guide the work that the organisation and its hardworking volunteers will work towards for 2021-22.

YFM’s Vision

An Australia where all young people are food literate and have access to just, nutritious, ecologically sound and affordable food, and where all aspects of food have a positive relationship with our environment, health, society and people.

YFM’s Mission

To grow and nourish the next generation of food champions, empowering young Australians with the tools, knowledge and networks to create impact on food issues.


So what does this mean?

Put simply, these are the issues and guiding statements that will frame the activities of YFM’s NLT and Chapters, meaning events and initiatives will have these three issues at their core that align with YFM’s vision and mission.

We believe addressing these issues is critical to improving our food system, so keep an eye on all of the amazing work that our volunteers do to work towards finding a solution to these complex issues.


International Year of Fruits and Vegetables


New YFM National Leadership Team