Laura Oakley



Tell us a bit about you!

I grew up on the southside of Brisbane, with a deep love for anything involving water. I spend my free-time at the beach, or in a pool, or chasing waterfalls. I’m an avid reader, traveller and of course, foodie. I love the way food brings people together, and this is represented cultures all around the world. I am passionate about health and well-being, which led me to study Nutrition. I graduated with a Bachelor of Nutrition Science in 2017 and am on track to graduate from a Master of Public Health, majoring in Health Promotion, in 2020. I hope to work in the space of eating disorders and assist with developing new prevention strategies.

Why did you join YFM? Why should other people join YFM?

Cooking was normal in my household. My brother and I often took turns cooking dinner. It wasn’t until I went to university that I realised that wasn’t normal in every household. I was confronted with friends who didn’t know how to cook 2-minute noodles (for real – they forgot the water) and no where to turn to learn these necessary skills. This led me to YFM, where improving food literacy is the first priority and that missing space is created for young people. I hope others are attracted to YFM for the community, love for food and the readiness to tackle big issues. Equipping our young people with knowledge of nutrition and cooking-skills will go a long way to reducing the burden of poor nutrition in our society.

Favourite food memory?

A traditional Buddhist degustation style meal in Japan. The food was AMAZING … I still dream about it.

Last meal you would eat before the apocalypse?

Lasagne, with a side of Pasta alla Norma (tomato-based pasta with eggplant).