Kat Thorn



Tell us a bit about you!

I followed my passion for food by studying a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics. I commenced my career in health promotion, working on projects grounded in the food system. This allowed me to work with community members, supporting increasing interest and behaviour change related to food. I have continued in the field of community work, as well as my love of food- you will find me flicking through cookbooks or scrolling pinterest for recipe and food presentation ideas or actually putting them into practice!

Why YFM?

I first joined YFM as a volunteer in 2017, upon returning to Melbourne's foodie scene after living and working in the UK. I was part of the Upstart program and loved talking to people with similar interests and of course sharing great food at weekly catch-ups! I continued to be involved with YFM where I could, however this was limited by moving to regional Victoria. I am now excited to be back enjoying Melbourne’s food and part of the National Leadership Team.

Favourite food memory/experience?

I love the Women’s Weekly children’s cake book! I love comparing the cakes that I had with others, and have also started making them for people for a nostalgic factor. I think it perfectly shows the power of food and what it can invoke. Now to pick which cake I want for my next birthday!

Last meal you would eat before the apocalypse?

Something heavily dairy-based- either cheese or icecream!