Youth Food Movement Australia is Getting Bigger Than Ever

In 2011, a group of curious young minds in Sydney came together to start something special. It started with local events and projects that began to lift the curtain on problems with our food system, and how we could change it for the better. Each event built this incredible national movement: thousands of young Australians who care about where their food comes from. Volunteer-led chapters from Melbourne to Brisbane and Western Sydney sprouted up for other curious young people.There's no stopping now. The overwhelming passion at our events and projects has attracted the attention of institutions both national and local. Our collaborations with everyone from councils to industry led us to dream bigger. Turns out the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation (VFFF) thought our new #lifegoals were pretty damn ace, so thanks to a three year grant, we now have funding to grow this movement more than we ever thought possible.The problems with the food system are still huge - but with the right knowledge and skills, young people can take ownership of these problems and create the much needed change we want to see.Here's how we're gearing up for that change over the next three years:

  • Connecting consumers and producers through even bigger collaborative partnerships and projects
  • Fulfilling the growing appetite for our projects by fostering new chapters in new places
  • Amplify the info and inspo young Australians need to demand and shape the food future they want through our blog and social communities

To get there, let's grow this thing together. We've seen what happens when young people who care come together. It gives us hope and energy to make our proudest moments happen, and makes for awesome times (which is why our new national team have been with us for years!).

Here's what you can do to be part of this growing movement:

Join (or start) a local chapter as one of our amazing vollies.Bring friends, and make some fantastic new ones - the people who ask just as many questions as you do. Find your new source of fist-pumping times, and tuck in to meals you'll remember forever.Bring your mates into the movement - send friends the link to join here.


How to Rescue Your Food When Your Social Life Comes Calling - The SpoonLed Series


Why We Give A Toss About Food Waste