YFM Brisbane in 2015

The crew from YFM Brisbane drop in to  fill us in on their year so far and what’s to come...

Yo Food Movers!

Hello and welcome to our sunny QLD shores and pastures.

Since our retreat in beautiful Stanthorpe last year, us folks up here in Brisbane haven’t had a lot to share with you...that was until we celebrated our 1st Birthday and put the call out for some fresh blood in March….and boy did we get an influx!

Vibing off this, shaking our post-holiday-feels and rolling out a trivia game held at the Food Connect Street Party, we got ourselves focused,bumped heads together and started planning 2015.  The team brainstormed event concepts and what food issues mattered to us most. Back at our retreat in 2014 we voted on three main themes : Grow Your Own, Food Waste and Seasonality. We decided on these three because we could take them from education to action. Just by making small, everyday tweaks people could start making a real difference in their lives and in the world of food.

After to-ing and fro-ing, a few wines and a bunch of new inspiration we can now proudly announce that we have developed…*drumroll please*...Brisbane Film Feast!

That’s right on the 15th of August we’re putting on an old-school film night that aims to entertain, inspire and educate. With great food, great company and of course YFM's trademark energy and conversation, Brisbane Film Feast will be something a little bit spesh.

We've got four diverse and awesome short films screening  on the night and are locking in some fresh-faced local food stall talent - and can we just say, boy oh boy has the fresh-faced food talent been exploooooooding in our backyard (jealous much?) for our lovely river-side picnic that will be happening at the same time. So Brisbanites; keep an eye out for updates as we get closer to the big day!

As a taster for the event,  here's a little bit of info on our “Grow Your Own”  (GYO) theme for the year and why we chose it.


Because the more we can grow at home (even in tiny spaces, window sills  or on bench tops) the more we can reduce waste, travel time and fuel consumption.

Plus you have the added benefits of munching ultra fresh food, learning about what food is in season and what it takes to grow that food. Also, we know we’re not alone when you pick and eat something that you’ve grown yourself and are overcome with excitement and we must admit, slight smugness. It’s basically a life win.

Or those of you who haven’t yet popped the GYO cherry: don't be fooled into thinking it's just for the green thumbed! With the right plants and a few tips, you'll be growing your own nosh in no time! Check out YFM’s very own mini guide to get you started.

If you need to take it in baby steps, pop along to one of the regular Northey Street City Farm workshops.

Brisbane City Council also has some info on how to get started, as well as offering free workshops. Score!  In fact, coming up at Zillmere Library on August 9th there is a FREE Compost and Worm Farm workshop.

For more general info on gardening and composting tips and events, get schooled by Brisbane Govt’s sustainable gardening site.

So we’re finally finding our spot  in the big foodscape that is Brisbane and we’re super excited to bring you our first local event!

Can’t wait to  see what you'll be home growing between now and the Film Feast in August and we can’t wait share some popcorn with you there! Nom Nom Nom.

yfm brisbane beans

Image credits: Anthony Toto and Evie Wilsteed


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