Voices we love (that keep us inspired)

Let's be honest. Being in the social change and sustainability scene can sometimes be a pretty heartbreaking. Even though we focus on uplifting stuff you can do around big, often depressing issues like climate change, access to healthy food, or biodiversity.Well, we couldn't do it alone. Say what you will about filter bubbles - we thought we'd share some of our favourite voices who regularly keep us looking upwards (when deep down we really feel like curling up into a ball on the floor).Note that this is not an exhaustive list and we've probably left off really obvious ones that we'll add once we've had more coffee (isn't the Interwebs great?!). If you can't get enough of this, subscribe for our weekly feature of other great orgs and individuals doing sweet stuff.

Australian voices

Junkee - Australian & international news for Gen Y. Serious issues with the funnies, and sometimes just the funnies.Sustainable Table - Sustainable food info for Australia written by deep thinkers, presented awesomely.Milkwood - Practical yet beautiful guidance on growing (and foraging) your own food. These guys make permaculture beautiful as well as transformative.1 Million Women - All you need to lead a sustainable lifestyle. Always positive and practical.The Design Files  - Australian design with amazing imagery, and a Tuesday Tasty recipe every week. The tone is also very human and un-wanky.Dish Pig - An intersection of art and food that makes us laugh too.The Rogue Ginger - A good place to start saying goodbye to plastic, and discovering all the other good that comes out of that.Sarah Wilson - Whatever your thoughts on quitting sugar, we love that a former editor of Cosmopolitan now blogs about consumerism in a way that's actually relatable. Check out our interview with Sarah on saving food here.Green Villages - City of Sydney nails the cooler side of sustainable city living, with plenty of profiles of locals taking the lead.Feather and Bone - An ethical butcher with plenty of insightful thoughts on what "ethical meat eating" is all about. Plus they inspired our post on offal!The Wholesome Cook - Martyna makes healthy food actually appealing, with awesome recipes, guides, and of course, gorgeous images.The Brown Paper Bag - Any nutritionist whose blog makes you drool on queue is pretty damn awesome. Nadia Felsch - We love Nadia's real food, not superfood, approach to healthy eating. My Darling Lemon Thyme - Beautiful, interesting recipes that just live and breathe real food without whacking you over the head about it. Local is Lovely - A food writer and farmer, Sophie brings you a rare glimpse of farm life that is probably single handedly lowering the average age of the Australian farmer!The Life of Clare - Clare is a constant reminder of what we can practically do, but she makes it seem actually easy! The Inspired Table - Jordana makes conscious cooking win out over deprivation.

International voices

Lucky Peach - Explorations in food from unique perspectives, always with amazing visuals and graphics.Grist - Sustainability news and serious issues covered with the funnies. Also, Nathanael Johnson is pretty rad with his food analyses.Spoon University - Cooking for students, by actual students. Approachable, simple, and possibly a little too real at times haha.Civil Eats - In depth coverage on all things food sustainability, plus uplifting stories of people doing amazing things.Food52 - Interesting recipes for young professionals & curious food lovers. Combined with a bigger picture approach to cooking (eg. Low waste cooking), plus a great community.My Name is Yeh - Molly lives and cooks on a farm, and we basically want her life ok? Also her unstoppable ability to come up with interesting but delicious recipes.Lenny - Modern day feminist goodness. No waffle talk, just straight shooting from the mouth.Monocle - Global affairs, business, culture and design. Great tone of voice.Lexicon of food - Food issues translated into art, reminding us just how powerful visuals can be.Good - News that's actually easy to read, with an emphasis on feel good stories on stuff that matters.The Salt (by NPR) - New food policy or cool new things that are happening in the US, with interesting analysis from public-funded media.Wait But Why - Modern philosophy and existential crises stuff. They also call humans out on their weird shit.Ensia - For when we feel like getting all scholarly on sustainability stuff.Image credit: Nikki To


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