This vegan ice cream is freeing us from dairy

If you've been trying to slooow doooown on the dairy, you may have had the pleasant surprise of picking up a tub of Over the Moo, a dairy-free vegan ice cream that you actually want to eat. If you haven't tried it yet, here's where you can get your hot little hands on it all over Australia. Founder and Head Honcho Alex Houseman teamed up with some pro ice cream makers so he could finally enjoy some decent ice cream despite his lactose intolerance, and we're all the better for it. Even those who love their bloody burgers have recommended Over the Moo, so vegans and lactose intolerants aren't the only ones celebrating.We thought we'd catch up with their (coco)nutty founder about how he keeps dairy-free life cool.

Over the Moo Dairy Free Ice Cream

What are some of your favourite dairy-free substitutions (aside from the obvious ice cream)?I’m big on an avocado. They are creamy and versatile and you can hide them in just about anything, especially rich desserts. I’ll do avo moose and I also make a killer lime cheesecake with it.You've been lactose intolerant for a while - what are some of the most common misconceptions about being dairy-free?Well most people think that because something is dairy free it probably isn’t going to be delicious. There are a few products on the market (we’re looking at you soy ice cream) that give the category a bad name - they are icy and dry and don’t deliver the kind of indulgence that people want from ice cream.We do plenty of supermarket tastings so I’ve developed a little trick: I always wait until someone has eaten the ice cream and judged the flavour before I tell them it’s dairy free. Most people are blown away because their expectations for vegan ice cream just don’t fit with what they are tasting.You guys seem to be pun legends. What's your fave food pun at the moment.This is true, we do have a very ‘pungent' approach to life. I guess we’re in the business of asking people if they “want to spoon” so that one is probably our MVP (Most Valuable Pun).What's one of the most surprising advantages to eating less (or no!) dairy?It makes you more attractive to the opposite sex. OK, that is not true. Going dairy free does make you less flatulent so that’s basically the same thing, right?For newbies to plant-based eating, what would be your top tip to starting well?Go easy on yourself. Plenty of people start out really motivated and go in guns blazing then they hit a dinner party where there are no plant based options and they fall off the wagon. My advice would be ease in, cut out products where you can and if you slip up, just drown your sorrows in Over The Moo.What about your best advice for staying on the path?These days there are so many yummy dairy free options, it’s easier than ever to stick to a plant based diet. At the moment, we’re working on some flavours that will keep any casual vegan on track.Image credits: Over the Moo


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