The wonky winner


What's wrong with wonky?

Finding a carrot with a bend these days can feel as rare as finding a shred of dignity on the dancefloor past 3 a.m. Hence why the YFM team was outrageously impressed by the number of wonky specimens that presented themselves as part of our Wonky Competition, an open invite to share and celebrate all the less-conventionally shaped produce Australia’s got going.We want to thank everyone for our stellar entrants to the comp. Though sadly we couldn’t award prizes to all, take comfort that no entry went unnoticed and that you’ve never truly seen democratic principals in action until you’ve seen a group of 15 wonky-produce-lovers sitting round a table fighting over the merits of carrots that have privates vs potatoes that look like a foot.But there could only be one winner: Grant Alexander, from Melbourne Victoria, swept up the prize with his nothing-short-of-brilliant eggplant (see below). We caught up with Grant to see how his prize winning entry came to be:


Where did your wonky eggplant come from?

The wonky aubergine was purchased at one of our local veggie vendors called Omara's. We shop there all the time as it is close and the produce is very cheap as it is often awkwardly shaped, or needing to be sold ASAP. The owners are also very friendly, always willing to wave an extra five cents if it means you don't get a mitfull of change back.

What's the weirdest piece of produce you've seen in real life?

I would have to say the Durian wins in my books for the oddest shaped and tasting fruit out there.

Why does buying wonky matter to you?

Buying wonky is important to me because it means perfectly good fruits or vegetables are getting sold and not going to waste.

How are you planning on using your winnings? 

We decided on SILO- By Joost. It has been rated the most sustainable restaurant in Melbourne and recently opening its doors for dinner seatings. Myself, my boyfriend and my three closest friends went out there last night and had an amazing time, enjoying their food, wine and eco-friendly service. Thanks again!


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