Just hatched: Our new YFM strategic plan

At the turn of the new year, there were some exciting changes at YFM. We've been secret squirrels for a while, but we're finally able to share these updates with you.

[list type="decimal" icon="fa-gittip"][list_item]We moved our headquarters to Melbourne[/list_item][list_item]We have a new National Leadership Team[/list_item][list_item]We refreshed our organisational strategy[/list_item][/list]But what exactly does this mean for you, dearest YFMer? We see your shrug emojis, and we'll raise you some FAQs:

So, why did YFM move to Melbourne?

Well, for one: we heart Melbs.Also, the majority of our new leadership team lives here (those lucky ducks!), so it's kinda a no-brainer!

Um, where was HQ before?

Sydney, where the previous CEO and leadership team resided.

And who are the leadership team now?

We'll introduce them soon, promise!

So, YFM updated their organisational strategy?

After a jam-packed, highly energetic, full-day workshop, plus weeks and weeks of refinement in Feb and March, YFM devised a new strategic plan that aligns with where we want the organisation to go. This kick starts immediately.

But what's a 'strategic plan'?

Put simply, it's a recipe! It guides us in all our decision-making, and helps us allocate our resources more efficiently to create the organisational cake we want to bake.A strategic plan consists of the organisation's purpose, vision and mission. We know, we know, it sounds cheesy - but we promise it'll be grate! We think it's important to have a clear purpose that drives all of our choices as an organisation, a vision that inspires the direction we want to go, and a mission that describes how we are going to do it.

Ok then, so what is YFM's new strategic plan?

We thought you'd never ask! Drumroll, please...[column size="1/1"]OUR PURPOSE[hightlight background="#fcb040" color="#444"]YFM is a community that brings people to the table, using food to tackle big issues, one bite at a time.[/hightlight][/column][column size="1/2"]OUR VISIONOur vision is to build our community, one that is rich and inclusive. Our community will be made up of people from culturally, geographically, and socially diverse backgrounds. We will engage with one another through food (of course!), and our community is made up of inspired, confident citizens, empowered to tackle the big issues, in their own practical ways.[/column][column size="1/2"]OUR MISSIONWe will create content that is digital and live (events), created by, and for, YFMers. We will listen to our community to find out what is important to them, ask them to invest in our organisation, and support them with knowledge and skills-sharing.[/column][column size="1/1"]

But what about Upstart? Is it still running?

For 2019 and the foreseeable future, our Upstart program will not be running. BUT there are heaps of opportunities to participate in YFM:

  • Offer your time as a content contributor - write an article or two, create a photo series or craft some social posts
  • Help us with events - tell us if you'd like to create, plan, or lend a hand on the day
  • Follow us on Facey so you can hear first-hand about upcoming job openings
  • Or have something else in mind? Level up in other specific skills with YFM - tell us here

Yo, I have more questions about the YFM strategic plan!

Fab, we'd love to hear from you - hit us up with your questions here.Photo credit: Kit Baker[/column]


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