Meet YFM Melbourne's New Movers And Shakers

Say hello to the brand new trio about to take the Melbourne food scene by storm. After our YFM Melbourne chapter burst onto the scene in 2015, we've now got three keen beans with big boots to fill. Pull up a cushion, grab your fave cuppa, and get to know 'em!

Vivien Yii, Constant Connector

"Food is the perfect vehicle to facilitate positive social change, because it’s tangible, tasty and connects every being on this planet." This whole hearted belief probably explains why Vivien can still dream about food in between Nutrition Science studies during the day, volunteering at Kinfolk Cafe, and working the floor at a hatted restaurant when the sun goes down. A good bonding sesh would likely involve mushrooms, smoked tofu, cauliflower and/or potato.

Julian Fang, Resident Restaurant Baby

Growing up sneaking food from his family restaurant, Julian has just the kind of curiosity we love about the YFM community. He may be well seasoned at yum cha, but that doesn't mean he can't appreciate haggis, or a cheese fondue in the Swiss Alps. Closer to home some of his favourite food memories include Bruny Island oysters (we will slurpily second that). You'll probably find him peeking into the open kitchens at restaurants and cafes (hey, it's one kind of place that food comes from).

Jasmine Chan, Perpetual Optimist

Like many of us, Jasmine wasn't born eating real food - her journey started out with fat free plastic cheese or yogurt from squeezy tubes. "I now channel my energy into exploring the connection of food and people – through pouring over food books, snapping photos and video making, stalking neighbors’ gardens for pomegranate trees and striking up conversations with people on the bus holding avocado-print tote bags." We'll drink to that (over a cheeseboard, but no stringy cheese please). Her current status as Nutrition-student-asking-bigger-questions sounds like a certain founding duo we know...When we asked them why they wanted to steer the massive ship that is the YFM Melbourne Chapter, we instantly knew we'd found the right people."Being meaningfully engaged with the food system is not all quirky food facts and ‘grammable meals (though they are important and appreciated!)" says Vivien. "It’s gritty and frustrating at times, and it takes time to find your feet and figure out where and how you can make a real difference. YFM is there to have your back, urge you forward and cheer you on as you move through the stages of being informed, thinking critically, taking action and creating an impact as an advocate for a healthy and sustainable food system."Feeling all tingly and inspired? Join the waiting list for the next volunteer intake here.


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