Grow your veggie patch and your confidence

Are you a newbie to veggie growing? Need to grow your confidence, as well as your veggies, before taking to your new patch? We share some great easy-to-grow home food crops to help you get started.

Salad greens

Iceberg, red leaf, green leaf, butter, rocket, baby spinach. There are just so many kinds that you may even have trouble choosing which ones to plant first. But watch out, rocket seems to grow so well it is practically a weed in some gardens!

Herbs & Spice

Basil, thyme, oregano, parsley are all good starting plants and easy-growers. If you would like a bit more of a challenge, try your hand at growing coriander. And for those who like a bit of spice in your life, a chilli plant or lemongrass is where its at!


This one’s another awesome grower. Just plant your seedlings and watch them flourish. Super tasty in a risotto or stir-fry and you can't beat freshly picked stalks with poached eggs on toast. Yum!

Leafy greens

Kale, Silverbeet, Rainbow Chard. These green machines are leafy, nutritious and great value. They love full sun and lots of rain and are a great choice for all your autumnal soups and stews.

So what are you waiting for?

Get going! Or should that be, get growing? Give these confidence-boosting plants and veggies some sun, lots of water, the occasional fertiliser feed and a little bit of love and you'll have seedlings sprouting in no time. Here’s the best’ll be rewarded with a bountiful crop of new veggies to add into your next cooking adventure.Homegrown kale chips, anyone?Image via missellyrh 


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