Brissy wants you: call for project volunteers


Feel like sinking your teeth into YFM Brisbane's next concept?

Our Brissy team are on the lookout for enthusiastic, dedicated team members to jump on board and be part of creating the next YFM big thing. They're looking for a number of people to help out with the operational nuts and bolts of their new project and contribute to the growth of our Brisbane branch.

If you're passionate about food sustainability, the arts, and generally just having a great time, then come and join the team.

What skills do I need, you say? If you have experience in - or are interested in developed skills in - any of the following:

  • Administration and Research
  • Social Media
  • Volunteer Engagement
  • Project design

... then get in touch.

Email under the subject like 'Brisbane Volunteering' and let us know why you're interested and what you can bring to the team.


Why we need to talk about beef


This is why the Dutch are killing it...